larsen transfer frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Usually, depending on weight and miles a good estimate is between 7-14 days.

Yes, you have an option to ship them on a car hauler or we have an in-van service.

No, United only allows typical items that belong in a car (i.e.: car seats, spare tire, tire jack etc.) to be left in a car during move. United Van Lines will not be responsible for anything left in a car that doesn’t belong in a car. Drivers will refuse to move items if they find them inside a vehicle.

Our peak season is around May 12 – September 15, our rates go up during that time of year.

A rough but good estimate on weight is 1000 per room. Count how many rooms you have in your home. Don’t forget to count the garage, sheds and attic.

A huge way to save on costs is to do your own packing. Some people have us pack their fragile items and things they are unsure of how to pack.

Depending on the weight and how much packing needs to be done, it’s best to give each crew a full day to perform the required services assigned. We want to give each crew plenty of time so they can do the best job possible on your shipment.

The driver is required by United Van Lines to call you 24 hours before he plans to deliver your shipment.

Yes. Anything the crew and driver take apart at origin, they must put back at destination.

Once we get an official weight on your shipment and the charges entered in. We will call you with the charges. You can pay your driver BEFORE he delivers with certified funds or we can take a credit card over the phone.

We need to have someone there that can let us in, get a hold of you and tell us what gets packed/doesn’t, what goes/doesn’t and/or where things go.

All furniture items get wrapped in heavy pads for shipping.

Some people have the original box their TV’s were purchased in that they use. If you don’t, we can provide one that will protect your TV in transit.

It is best if you have any irreplaceable items that you take them with you. Any items of extraordinary value should just be taken by the shipper that is the safest place for those items to be.

Examples of high value items: Jewelry, valuable papers, silverware, artwork, china, precious metals and stones, crystals or figurines, collections, furs, garments, oriental rugs or tapestries, computers, currency, coins, designer bags, clothes, shoes, etc.

Completed form is to be given to the lead packer for proper packing and identification of items within shipment. Articles too large for packing must be shown to the lead packer. The lead packer will identify the high value item specifically on the inventory. The order number will also be placed on every box containing a high value item.

The customer and packing crew leader must sign the high value inventory form and each retains appropriate copies. The customer will retain copy #2 and the remaining 3 copies are to be returned to the original agent for the following distribution:

#1 copy immediately sent to UVL Claims department

#3 copy placed on top of the bill-of-lading for driver

#4 copy retained by the origin agent

If no United packing is performed, the van operator must still be shown the items, then the shipper must seal the boxes to avoid an additional labor charge if left for the van operator to do. The van operator would then sign the form since no lead packer is involved.

The shipper must sign the bill-of-lading section for “extraordinary (unusual) value article declaration” block signifying their understanding of the high value inventory requirement

Acknowledgement of receipt at destination will be insured by the van operator, with required signature of shipper on the high value inventory form

If the shipment goes into storage, the destination agent must insure that the high value items are received and appropriately taken care of.  Upon delivery out of storage, the agent would insure that the items delivered and that the shipper acknowledges receipt of them on the high value inventory in the appropriate place.

Items Not Allowed


  • Frozen foods
  • Refrigerated foods
  • Open of half-used foods
  • Food w/o adequate preservation
  • Produce
  • Plants


  • Matches
  • Gasoline
  • Kerosene
  • Propane Tanks
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Motor Oil
  • Lamp Oil
  • Cleaning solvents or ammonia
  • Charcoal
  • Charcoal lighter
  • Paint Thinner
  • Paints, Latex & oil based
  • Chemistry sets
  • Fertilizer
  • Aerosols
  • Fireworks
  • Guns/Loaded Guns
  • Ammunition
  • Ammunition Reloading components
  • Chemicals such as darkroom & swimming pool chemicals
  • Liquid bleach
  • Pesticides
  • Poisons such as weed killers
  • Car batteries
  • Household batteries
  • Nail polish/remover

Personal Importance Sentimental

  • Financial documentsCD’s
  • IRA’s
  • Stocks/Bonds
  • Airline Tickets
  • Deeds
  • Documents pertaining to a new home
  • Prescription medicine
  • Car keys
  • Address book
  • Check book
  • Computer disk Storage
  • Family photos
  • Wedding albums
  • Personal video tapes
  • Insurance policies
  • Medical & dental records
  • School records
  • Jewelry