The Importance of Records Storage

Financial documents stored in filing cabinets.

The vast majority of business owners know that storing company data and confidential information in a safe and secure manner is an ongoing challenge. Then there are the all-too-common data breaches combined with physical storage limitations.

Your business needs a way to store important data and records so that they are safe and easily retrieved. Clearly, a breach of these items likely will pose a potential risk and liability if not stored correctly. Your business’s viability is at stake when it comes to managing the storage of your important records.

We also understand that your business is confronted with the daunting task of storing records in a timely, efficient and cost-effective manner. Outsourcing records storage offers a practical resource that ensures security while providing fast file retrieval.

Keep in mind that records storage involves more than storing confidential information.  In fact, successful storage management entails integrating state-of-the-art facilities with accurate and efficient processes to ensure secure practices.

Larsen Transver records storage

Businesses require quick and easy retrieval of their data and records in the event of legal issues or audits that call for a review of confidential information. Forget about storing records in a warehouse that doesn’t offer controlled air.  Fortunately, your business enjoys more options than ever before for records storage.

When you hire a company that can ensure proper records management, you will get the following benefits:  

Regulatory Compliance

It is probable that your business is subject to one of three major federal regulations when it comes to records management. These are:  the Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), or the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX).

Other federal regulations that could be relevant for proper records storage are the Dodd-Frank Act and the Red Flags rule by the Federal Trade Commission.

It is imperative for your business to closely adhere to these federal regulations.  What’s more, practices should be up-to-date.  With a records storage and management company, you will be assured that there is proper handling of these important documents.


Preventing identity theft of customers and employees, as well as safeguarding vital company information are primary reasons you should use a records management and storage program. Off-site storage is important to your company’s security by avoiding physical damage and fraud or theft.

You can also shred short-term use documents. That is why choosing a records storage company with shredding services is helpful.

Improved Efficiency and Reduced Costs

When you have good records management, you will enjoy better organization. This will also save your business time instead of having employees searching for records or filing important documents.  Additionally, store your company records off-site and save space in your office.

3 Primary Benefits to Outsourcing Records Storage Management

Records storage management offers tangible advantages for businesses looking for an effective way to retrieve and store important data.

Office Space Preservation

If you keep confidential information in-house, you might assume you are saving money and providing better access to your records. However, the problem with this approach is that valuable office space should be set aside to grow your business. It is preferable to use this additional office space to accommodate a growing workforce rather than to store records.

You can actually save time and money by designating a commercial records center for storing your information.  It is more cost-effective to house your records off-site in a temperature controlled environment that is monitored on a consistent basis.

Convenient and Timely Data Retrieval

When you set out to store your records, it is imperative that they can be retrieved quickly and easily. If your data is kept in-house, it can be detrimental to your productivity when your employees are focused on finding specific information rather than performing their job duties.

Your business can enjoy round-the-clock access to your important records, retrieving your data at a moment’s notice.  You can request delivery of your company files and opt for rush delivery after hours and on holidays.

Accessing your records in that fashion is much more practical when documentation is required for audits or other important financial meetings when information is needed on short notice. Consider that file indexing also allows your business to index records online and review your inventory in an easy-to-read spreadsheet.

Enhancing Productivity and Security with Records Storage

With the technology and developed processes in place within the data storage industry, your business can take advantage of these services without going over budget. Your business saves valuable time not having to spend hours searching through boxes for your records.

You also get the advantage of providing a safe and secure environment for records that are protected from natural disasters, unauthorized access, or security breaches.

Let Larsen Transfer Take Care of All Your Business Storage Needs!

Do you need file storage?  Do you have to store equipment or other valuables  for your business?  

You have come to the right place. We pride ourselves on having a clean, non-smoking and pest-free facility. What’s more, our climate-controlled warehouse is completely insulated.

As we are also an agent for United, we have the capability to take care of all your moving and logistical needs.  Trust Larsen Transfer – the industry leader – to make your next move happen seamlessly! 


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