The Only Moving Supplies List You’ll Ever Need

larsen transfer moving

Let’s face it, while you may be looking forward to getting to your new place of residence, the process of moving is filled with stress, at times frustration, and is a test of mental and physical endurance as you gather all the supplies needed to pull the move off as efficiently as possible while engaging in what seems like a never-ending task of packing. 

What’s makes moving more challenging these days is the COVID-19 pandemic, which can restrict access to the varied supplies necessary to move properly. It is easy to become overwhelmed at the mere thought of scrounging together all the right-size boxes and equipment necessary to pack our personal belongings. Everything from packing up all your cherished items to coordinating the transport of your household stuff makes moving an ambitious undertaking. 

Despite being in the middle of a worldwide public health crisis, we still need to move, whether it’s for personal or professional reasons. So, we are presenting in this space tips and recommendations to enable you to move as efficiently as possible. 

By taking these prescribed steps in gathering the necessary equipment and packing tools, you will save time and effort, making your move easier and relatively smooth. 

How to Find the Right Boxes for Your Move

During the coronavirus outbreak, it is not advisable to necessary borrow cardboard boxes from friends or obtain boxes from online marketplaces. As a result of Amazon’s recent emphasis on essential, high-priority items, you probably will need to look to your retail stores for boxes. The best sources for moving boxes are office supply and hardware stores, in addition to online shipping companies. 

moving supplies list larsen transfeer

Determining How Many Boxes You Will Need

When creating your moving supplies list; you’d be wise to overestimate the number of boxes required for your move, rather than to be caught short of boxes well into the packing process. The last thing you want to do is over-stuff your personal items in boxes that are too small or compromise the protection of your personal treasures all for the sake of expediency. 

Be aware that your large items will likely need large or extra-large boxes.  Heavy and fragile items should be placed in as small a box as possible to prevent movement while in transport. 

The diversity of our homes makes your move unique from any other. Although there isn’t a formula for calculating how many boxes you’ll need for the move, you can go with the following helpful premise:  A normal three-bedroom house will need approximately 70 boxes to 150 boxes for a move. This also should be based on your own packing style and how full your rooms are. 

Here are six factors to consider when you prepare to go box hunting: 

Number of Years in Your Home – If you have lived in your home for 30 years as opposed to five years, you will have collected many more items, which translates into more boxes. This could be a perfect opportunity to eliminate clutter and unused items that no longer have value to you. 

Number of People – Moving is a numbers game. The more people who live in your house, the more personal belongings you will need to pack. 

Number of Rooms – The more rooms in your home will directly correspond to more items you will have to pack. Consider that online moving box calculators that factor in the number of bedrooms in your home to figure out how many boxes will be needed for the move. 

Square Footage – You need to be well acquainted with the amount of general space in your home. For example, a four-bedroom apartment with a smaller footprint will likely not have as many items as a typical-spaced four-bedroom house. 

Type of Lifestyle – If you are more of a collector, you’ll probably need more boxes than someone who is modest when it comes to acquiring items, or a minimalist who has a paltry amount of personal belongings. 

Changing Lifestyle – If you have decided to radically cut back on the amount of personal belongings you have as you part with items you no longer need, then factor that into how many boxes you’ll need for the move. Similarly, you might be down-sizing and you won’t need to bring over that much stuff to your new house. Again, consider how you live and the type of lifestyle you have, or will have, before you begin collecting boxes. 

The Type of Tape You’ll Need for the Move

In order to get the job done right and to accommodate the different types of personal belongings you have, you might need several types of tape. One helpful tool is a tape gun. A tape gun will lay the seams straight down and help you avoid getting your hands caught when taping shut your boxes. 

Here is a list of the types of tape you should have available for packing:

Packing Tape – The most common type of tape is ideal for sealing boxes for moving purposes. 

Shipping Tape – This tape can be used instead of packing tape. 

Masking Tape – This is most suitable for box labeling. 

Strapping and Duct Tape – Duct tape is great for reinforcing and closing heavy boxes. 

Painters Tape – This tape is ideal for when you are not sure if your furniture will fit into a room, as this type of tape can be used to stage it and layout the dimensions. You can also use this tape for labeling electronics and smaller items. 

Adding More Protection for Your Packed Items

Bubble Wrap – Bubble wrap will be your best friend when it comes to having a convenient and practical way of protecting your cherished or fragile items during a move. Use bubble wrap to enclose delicate items and to insulate voids along the sides of boxes. 

Stretch Plastic Wrap – This is an industrial-strength version of standard kitchen plastic wrap. It is ideal for binding items together, such as dresser drawers, couch cushions, or electrical cords. This wrap also provides a barrier for furniture from scratches, dust and movement damage. 

Furniture Pads – These durable pads are used to cover big appliances and furniture. 

Let Larsen Transfer Take Care of All Your Moving and Storage Needs

Are you about to move? Perhaps you don’t know where to turn when it comes to a company that can get you from your old home to your new residence, and in a timely, safe, and efficient manner. 

Larsen Transfer is a premier family-owned moving business in the Tri-Cities, WA. Whether you are moving locally, within the states of Washington or Oregon, across the country, or even internationally, we can help you get there!

As we are also an agent for United, we have the capability to take care of all your moving and logistical needs.  Trust Larsen Transfer – the industry leader – to make your next move happen seamlessly! 


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