Agent for United

Moving Tips for Military Families

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Moving tips for military families. At Larsen Transfer, we understand the importance of a smooth and stress-free move for military families. Moving can be a stressful time for any family, but for young military families, who often have to move with more frequency than others, it can take an emotional toll. Veterans and those who serve have a special place in our hearts. We have friends, family, and customers who serve and have served our country and to them we are grateful. That is why it’s so important for us to offer helpful tips and advice on how you can make your move as quick and painless as possible.

According to, each year, about 225,000 Department of Defense and U.S. Coast Guard household good shipments are slated for movement during the summer months. These shipments compete with the private sector moves to create a phenomenon in the transportation industry called the “peak moving season.” Peak moving season runs May through August each year with the peak of the peak between Memorial Day and July 4. Some families will move every 2-3 years, while others won’t have to move in 4-7 years.

Although we may be several months away from peak moving season, we believe in being as prepared as possible. Read on for some helpful tips that we can all benefit from!

Moving Tip for Military Families – Know Where To Start

Knowing where to start and who to ask for help is important. Most likely you’ll have a Transportation Office (TO) or Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO) as the primary point of contact for all your moving needs and questions. Once you get orders and know your exact moving dates, immediately start the moving process. Leaving things for the last minute will only complicate the moving process for everyone. Plan ahead! Contact your TO/PPSO to learn all the options you have, including a Personally Procured Move, which is a voluntary program that allows you to be reimbursed for moving your own belongings. Starting the move early means you’ll have the best outcome possible for your move.

Moving Tips for Military Families – Know What You’re Moving

Generally, moving is about STUFF. And we usually have lots of it. Moving time is a good time to downsize and dispose of unnecessary items. This means you’ll avoid paying excess weight charges for something you don’t want anyway. Cut down on your stuff and request a reweigh of your personal property, usually, this can be done for free.

Keeping a good estimate of your personal property is also important, according to The advice that a quick way of estimating the weight of your stuff is to calculate about 1,000 pounds per room. Did you know you can find a more accurate estimate using the weight estimator found at (DOD Service Members and Federal Civilians (DOD) Tab > Weight Allowance Tab > Weight Estimator Tab. This is a good thing to keep handy!

Moving Tips for Military Families – Plan Ahead

Having a central location (read: binder or folder) to keep all your essential documents and moving paperwork is essential. During a military move, you’re going to need documentation more than you probably thought. Things like copies of your orders, birth and marriage certificates, passports and social security cards, mortgage documents, etc., will all need to be close at hand and easily accessible. Putting together an organized binder with all these documents will help lessen the stress of an already stressful change. In this binder, you can also keep receipts related to your move for reimbursement and financial purposes. Moreover, create a personal moving calendar and checklists, phone numbers, and links to critical moving processes and information.

At Larsen Transfer, we want to make moving as easy and smooth as possible for everyone! We know a military move can be stressful, but we’re here to help with useful information and educational tips. Want to share moving experiences of your own? Drop us a line!

As we are also an agent for United, we have the capability to take care of all your moving and logistical needs.  Trust Larsen Transfer – the industry leader – to make your next move happen seamlessly! 


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